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H&R Block Tax Pro Series: Vijay Bhasin helps build financial confidence in his clients

2 min read

2 min read

February 17, 2022

H&R Block

In Bellflower, California, you’ll find 13-year seasoned tax pro Vijay Bhasin and his passion for finance and money management. When Bhasin moved to the United States he started his journey in real estate before an injury inspired him to help people with their taxes.  

Bhasin’s injury stacked up medical bills, alerting him of what the average person goes through every day as they try to be better with money. His credible empathy for providing financial care for others started there.

“When you make someone realize how to manage money, especially younger people, they remember you,” Bhasin said. “You are giving back to the community and society.”

Bhasin skills help people by planning for next year’s taxes.

Some of the strategies he believes in are deducting taxes on unemployment, and recommending not to charge more than 30% of your credit card spending limit as a way to prevent you from going too deep into debt.

He says being a tax pro keeps his mind alert, and it’s important to him that his clients fully understand the concepts instead of just doing the work for them.

Outside of his dedicated clients in California, he also has friends that sing his praises. His neighbors even compliment his advice and incredible impact on their lives.

Bhasin brags about H&R Block’s tools including MyBlock. He notes his favorite feature is how easy it is to upload tax documents.

His biggest tip for tax season 2022 is: “Try to not blow away your money. Pay off some of your debts rather than blowing it.”

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