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Revenue Agent Report

1 min read

1 min read

IRS Definition

Revenue Agent Reports (RARs) should contain all the information necessary to ensure a clear understanding of the adjustments and demonstrate how the tax liability was computed. Based upon the importance of the RAR, examiners should take all necessary steps to ensure report accuracy.

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When the IRS completes an audit, the IRS revenue agent or tax compliance officer prepares an examination report (generally a Form 4549) that shows the changes he or she is proposing to your tax return, along with the proposed taxes, penalties and interest. This report also includes a Form 886A, which explains why the IRS is changing your return. The IRS sends the examination report with a letter that gives you 30 days to appeal the changes with the IRS Office of Appeals.

Review the entire report carefully with your tax professional. If you disagree with any of the items on the report, including penalties, consult your tax professional for next steps.

Learn how to handle IRS audits.

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